10 ways you can tell it's time for a website redesign

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Remember that exciting day when you finally hit the go button on your brand new website. You'd spent a lot of time crafting the content, finding the right images, choosing the right colours and design. You likely even threw a fair bit of cashola' at it too.

After diligently learning how to wrangle your new Content Management System, you set a plan to regularly update and add new content. Then, despite good intentions, somewhere along the line they all gradually fell by the wayside. Now, when you take a look at your website it somehow feels a bit tired, a little dated, dare we say it - a bit daggy? And that content management system, well you're sure you can figure out how to use it again, once you locate those logins.

How the hell did this happen - wasn't it awesome like just yesterday?

You may have noticed, technology changes and it changes fast. Just consider the mobile phone you were sporting just 5 years ago. Cool right!

Changes to web design standards, new devices, web design trends, improved typography support, image quality and Internet speed all leads to making that website that looked awesome yesterday, appears a little less so today.

Below are 10 questions that might help you workout if its time to consider a website refresh:

1. Can you easily navigate your website on your mobile phone?

2. Does the design and functionality hold up on all handheld devices?

2. Can you update your content easily yourself?

3. Does the page load quickly?

4. Can you add video and multimedia to your website easily?

5. Are your social media channels connected to your website?

6. Has your website traffic decreased?

7. Does your website look dated when compared to your competitors?

8. Does your website have a security certificate? (Ie Https://) (and no its not just important for eCommerce sites!)

9. Are there large chunks of text throughout your website?

10. Is your website 3+ years old?

If you've answered YES to any of the above then its definitely time to consider changing your website up. The good news is the process need not be painful or overly expensive and you'll end up with a shiny new website you'll be proud to show off.

Keen to discuss overhauling your website? Get in contact with us today and request a copy of our Guide to writing an awesome website brief (so you don’t get a dud developer).