Why seeing 'Add Order Note' at checkout gets me fired up

Can we chat for a minute about barriers to entry on eCommerce website? Website design often adds are a number of barriers that stop potential customers in their tracks and one in particular gets me all fired up. Does your site use ‘Add Order Note’ at the shopping cart? Read on

Everything someone has to ‘think’ and make a decision, it opens the door to ‘I don’t know’ and the customer can leave.

Have you ever been asked to answer a survey and the answer you want to select is not there? You face either making an unhappy choice or giving up entirely. The same can happen on an eCommerce website.

There are a number of questions your customers are answering during the process of shopping on your site. We’re not going to review all of them here, rather I want to focus on one that gets my goat the most - the ‘Add a Note’.

I’m sure you’ve seen it before right at the check out stage. Just by asking that unassuming question your asking your customer to make a choice. Leave a note or not.

By seeing the note section they could be thinking is this the place that I add delivery information such as ‘please leave near the back door ‘. If the customer chooses to leave it blank they can be questioning t if they have provided all the clear and accurate information that is required.

If you are using an order note feature that is available as a standard feature in all Shopify stores - please change the wording so that it informs the customer exactly what information should be left in this space. If you don’t have anything that they should add, then turn it off.